Attention: Pregnant Mothers Who Are Concerned About The Health & Well-Being Of Their Baby... Read Every Word Below!
Attend Free Online: December 5-7, 2024
Discover How You Can Have A Safe, Full-Term Pregnancy And A Healthy Baby
 ...while minimizing your risk of complications, miscarriage and developmental disorders.
The Virtual Summit has Started - Register Today 
to attend for FREE (December 5 th , 6 th and 7 th )!
You can't afford to miss this one!
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Attend Free Online: December 5-7, 2024
Discover How You Can Have A Safe, Full-Term Pregnancy And A Healthy Baby
 ...while minimizing your risk of complications, miscarriage and developmental disorders.
The Virtual Summit has Started - Register Today 
to attend for FREE (December 5 th , 6 th and 7 th )!
You can't afford to miss this one!
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Get full access for free to all event presentations during the Virtual Summit!
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Developed and Funded by the Neurological Health Foundation in Partnership with 360 Summits.
You Can Reduce Your Worry And Have A Healthy Pregnancy!
  Our 32+ Experts Will Teach You How To Finally...  
Have The Best Chance For Successfully Conceiving
Every aspiring mother-to-be who has had challenges conceiving knows the  soul-crushing feelings of that little voice telling you "It's your fault." You're not alone! If you've had trouble conceiving or are thinking about having a child, we're going to show you how to avoid the struggle.
Learn How To Eat Foods  That Support Healthy Fetal Development
You are what you eat... in actuality, you are BOTH what YOU eat! That's right, you are eating for two and your baby's fetal development can be greatly impacted by your nutritional choices, even the "healthy" ones. Learn what to eat and what to avoid to give your baby a healthy start in life.
Know Which Supplements And Medications You Can Take
Not all supplements are created equal and, in fact, some are worthless if not dangerous to you and your baby! Find out how to pick the right supplements and where to find them without feeling like you need to go to medical school.
Avoid Complications During Pregnancy And Childbirth
No mother is immune to the risk of complications during pregnancy and it's a scary thing to think about. Our experts will teach you exactly how to minimize your risk of complications so that you can finally rest easy and with confidence!
Get Support For Your Unique Pregnancy Situation
Every pregnancy is unique just like every baby is unique. Find out how you can reduce expenses, eat healthier and maximize your opportunity to give birth to a beautiful, happy baby. No matter what difficulties you may be facing, you're not alone anymore - we're here to give you the support that you need even if you feel completely alone.
Leverage The Expertise  Of Medical Professionals
Get your questions answered by the world's top doctors and experts in the fields of conception, pregnancy and motherhood. We've organized and produced this virtual summit event just for you - to give you the knowledge, confidence and courage to enjoy your pregnancy experience with a sense of joy and accomplishment!
Meet Your Summit Hosts
James Adams, PhD
James B. Adams, Ph.D., is an internationally known scientist whose research focuses on health disorders in children and pregnancy, and he has published over 160 scientific articles.

Dr. Adams is a President’s
Professor at Arizona State University, and Director of the Autism/Asperger’s Research Program there.

Dr. Adams is the Chair of the Science Advisory Board of the Neurological Health Foundation ("NHF") in which he directed the development of the NHF Healthy Child Guide.  He also led the development of the Healthy Nest Prenatal Supplement, which is the first prenatal tailored for each trimester.
Debby Hamilton MD, MSPH
Dr. Hamilton is a medical doctor with a Masters of Science in Public Health degree. She has successfully counseled hundreds of couples on the steps necessary to maximize the likelihood of a full-term healthy pregnancy resulting in a healthier child.

Moreover, Dr. Hamilton has dedicated her medical career to treating children with autism and ADHD. She is triple board-certified in pediatrics, integrative medicine and physician nutrition. She regularly attends national events to speak about reversing increasingly common childhood chronic health disorders. In addition to being a sought after speaker, Dr. Hamilton is a respected author who has written books about "Controlling Risk Factors Before, During & After Pregnancy."

Lastly, she is the Teaching Physician for The Neurological Health Foundation ("NHF") and co-authored the NHF Healthy Child Guide with other members of the NHF Scientific Board.
What You'll Learn During The Summit...
Access These Amazing  Presentations From Our World-Class Experts

Rana Snipe Berry, MD

Recommendations For A Healthy Pregnancy From An OB/GYN
Learn important suggestions relating to preconception care, conception/fertility, nausea/morning sickness, common problems during pregnancy, preparing for childbirth, and special advice for women of color.

James B. Adams, PhD & Debby Hamilton, MD, MSPH

How To Have A Safer Pregnancy And A Healthier Baby 

30-50% of pregnancies result in serious complications, including miscarriage, anemia, gestational diabetes, and more. Learn about common pregnancy complications, child health disorders and how to reduce your risk of them.

Victoria Maizes, MD

How To Increase The Odds Of A Healthy Conception
10% of couples are infertile and many also have difficulty conceiving. Learn the best times to conceive, how to improve your diet and avoid toxins, and the optimal time to wait between pregnancies to increase your chances of a healthy conception.

David Haas, MD

Morning Sickness, Nausea Prevention And Treatment
Morning sickness/nausea are common during pregnancy, especially during the first few months, but some women have much worse symptoms than others. Learn how to reduce the risk of nausea, and how to safely treat it.

Rebecca Pierson, MD

Fertility Evaluations And Treatments
Fertility problems are common and challenging but are often treatable. Learn about the common causes of infertility, approaches to improve male and female fertility, and in-vitro fertilization.

Alexis Temkin, PhD

How To Reduce Your Exposure To Toxic Chemicals

Chemical and toxic exposures are a major infant health problem, and studies have measured over 150 toxic chemicals present in the umbilical cord blood. Learn how you can greatly reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals in your food, water, air, home, work, and cosmetics.

James B. Adams, PhD

Optimal Prenatal Supplements 
Prenatal supplements are extremely important for preventing birth defects and enhancing the health of mother and child. However, prenatal supplements are unregulated, and vary greatly in quality. We have analyzed over 350 research studies to help you pick the best ones.

Julie Matthews, CNC

What Foods To Eat And Dangerous Foods To Avoid
It is especially important to eat a healthy, organic diet during pregnancy. Learn what are the most important types of foods to consume and what foods should be avoided.  Learn what weight gain is reasonable during pregnancy.

Debby Hamilton, MD, MSPH

Why You Should Meet With Your Doctor Before You Become Pregnant
The first few weeks of pregnancy are the most critical for brain and body development, so you want to be fully prepared BEFORE you become pregnant. Meet with your doctor BEFORE you become pregnant to reduce risks.

Lily Nichols, RDN

Gestational Diabetes: Prevention And Treatment

Gestational diabetes is a dangerous condition that affects about 5% of pregnancies in the US. Learn if you are at risk of gestational diabetes, what you can do to reduce those risks, and how to treat it if it occurs.

Parijat  Deshpande, MS

Reducing Stress During Pregnancy: A Mind-Body Approach
Stress is common during pregnancy, and especially during high-risk pregnancies. Learn a mind-body approach to reduce stress during pregnancy.

Anthony Shanks, MD

High Risk Pregnancies
High risk pregnancies include teens, women over 35, previous pregnancy complications, and special health conditions. Learn what are high risks, what type of monitoring and treatments should be considered, and why a preconception visit is important.

Winifred Mak, MD, PhD

Minimizing The Risk Of Miscarriage
Miscarriages occur in 15-20% of pregnancies in the US. Learn how to significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage, the warning signs and what to do if a miscarriage appears imminent.

Jennifer Huberty, PhD

The Best Exercises During Pregnancy 
Exercise is important throughout life, and especially important during pregnancy. Learn what is the best amount and type of exercise, what types should be avoided and how to gradually reach those goals even if you are not currently exercising.

Ashley Zimmerman PT, DPT, PMA-CPT

Sex During Pregnancy
Sex does not need to stop during pregnancy. Learn what types of sexual activity are safest and recommended, what types need to be reduced or stopped as pregnancy progresses, and how to best deal with your partner when they want to have sex, but you don't.

James B. Adams, PhD

Why You Should Measure Your Iron Before And During Pregnancy
About 28% of women develop iron-deficiency anemia during their third trimester, which impacts their health and their baby's development. Learn why it is important to test for and treat iron deficiency.

Debby Hamilton, MD, MSPH

Why You Should Measure Your Vitamin D Prior To Or During Pregnancy
Vitamin D is the "sunshine" vitamin, and many women do not get enough. Learn why it is important, how to test levels, and how much to take if it is low.

Elizabeth Reifsnider, PhD, RN, FAANP, FAAN

Finding Financial And Medical Support For Pregnancy
50% of births occur to women with low incomes. Discover the financial and medical resources that are available to pregnant women and mothers, including Medicaid, WIC, and food stamps, and how to obtain insurance if you don't have it.

Brian W. Salmon, BS, RT

The Expectant Father
Learn what the father or partner can do to help the mother during pregnancy and to prepare for birth.

Jennifer Huberty, PhD

Yoga And Meditation During Pregnancy
Discover the benefits of yoga and meditation during pregnancy, and the best ways to start and/or continue during pregnancy.

Brooke Kalisiak, PT

Simple Tips To Ease Pregnancy Pain
Many women experience lower back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. Learn what you can do to reduce that pain, and why a visit to a physical therapist can help.

Debby Hamilton, MD, MSPH

Reducing The Risk Of Autism And ADHD
Autism and ADHD have been rapidly increasing. Learn the latest research on how to significantly reduce the risk of autism and ADHD.

Laurel Wilson, BSc, IBCLC

 Breastfeeding Preparation
Breastfeeding is critical for infants, but some women have problems starting and/or continuing it. Learn how to prepare for nursing, how to deal with common problems, why it is beneficial, and how to determine how long to nurse for.

Sonia Ribas

Healthy, Easy Recipes For Pregnancy
Do you want to eat tasty, healthy, easy-to-prepare foods? Discover new recipes for yummy food that will give you and your baby the optimal nutrients you need.

Erica Peirson, ND

The Truth About Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome is a genetic condition that affects about 1 in 1000 births. Learn about new educational and medical approaches that are helping them lead happier and healthier lives.

Thomas Hale, PhD, R.Ph

Medication Use During Pregnancy
Learn which prescription and over-the-counter medications need to be reduced or avoided during pregnancy and how to talk to your doctor.


David Harris, PhD

The Benefits Of Cord Blood Banking
Learn about why cord blood banking may be helpful to your child's future from one of the leading experts in the field.

Ashley Zimmerman PT, DPT, PMA-CPT 

Preparing For Childbirth
Learn how to prepare for a safer, easier, and less painful childbirth. Know the critical signs of premature labor, and when you should go to the hospital. Explore your different options for childbirth, and how to best deal with pain.

Shazi Visram

Reducing Exposure To Toxins During Infancy 
Toxic chemicals and pesticides are major risk factors for healthy development. Learn about how to avoid them to keep you and your baby safe.

Rana Snipe Berry, MD

Stillbirth: Medical Risk Factors & Coping Strategies
Learn about the factors that can increase the risk of stillbirth, how to reduce those risks, and how to cope with stillbirth when it occurs.

Betsy A.B. Greenleaf DO, FACOOG, MBA

Preventing Pre-Term Birth
Approximately 10% of births are pre-term, resulting in greater health risks and developmental delays. Learn what you can do to reduce the risk of pre-term births, and what to do to best support an infant if they are born pre-term.

Tracy Shafizadeh, PhD

Probiotics For Infants
Infants need a special gut bacteria, B. Infantis, for optimal nutrition, immune development and gut health. Historically, this was naturally the main bacteria in the gut of breast-fed infants, but now only about 10% of infants in the US have this bacteria in their gut. Learn about the benefits of feeding a B. Infantis probiotic on infant health and development.

Rodney Dietert, PhD

The Gut Biome
Learn about the importance of the bacteria in your gut, known as your gut microbiome. They play an important role in gut health and your immune system, and affect your baby’s health. Learn what can affect your microbiome and how to best maintain and restore a healthy gut microbiome.

Dr. Debby Hamilton and Julie Matthews

Reducing Risk of Severe Food Allergies
Food allergies an affect a child’s health, their learning and their lives. It can even affect their mood and behavior and it can really affect their quality of life. And it also affects the whole family and the way that they prepare food and so many different aspects that everybody in the family needs to be aware of.

Vicki Kobliner, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist

They say 'the more you tell, the more you sell' which is true... but only if people actually read what you write. People read text that's punchy, interesting and helps them make a good buying decision.
Slow Cooker Recipes and Tips
With our busy lives, preparing homemade, nutritious meals for the family can be a challenge. We’re here to help by offering simple and wholesome recipes that make it easier to put together delicious and nutritious meals. These recipes are designed to be quick, easy, and packed with whole foods.

We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
Why Attend Our Virtual Healthy Pregnancy SUMMIT?
Enhanced Education
It's our process of creating online events that resemble college-level courses delivered by world's leading expert speakers and hosts.  We craft each summit to deliver a complete educational experience on each topic.
Love Learning?  So Do We.
No Hidden Agendas
We do not allow speakers to pitch their products, courses or services on our summit.  That means YOU GET a full 100% learning experience without wading though time-consuming sales pitches.  Your experience is our #1 Priority.
Stay Focused and On Target.
Best Learning Experience
Our cloud-based learning platform allows you to attend the event launch from any device at anytime during that day. No need to rearrange your schedule. Learn at your own pace anywhere you are and never miss a beat again.
Take Us With You.
Four Advantages To Attending Online For Free!
32+ Top Experts Here To Help You!
Ever wonder why some moms seem to have it easy and others struggle to keep it together? 32+ of the most respected health professionals  are here to share their expert advice on carrying your baby to full-term and minimizing your pain, fears and frustrations. Imagine having not just one, but a team of doctors working with you ... now you can!
Time Saving, Expense-Free Education
Bypass long lines waiting to be groped by TSA agents, skip past checking into overpriced, unsanitary hotel rooms and spend less time away from your family. With our time saving, expense free education platform, you can learn how to have a successful and healthy pregnancy without having to travel.
Learning Designed For Success
Time is a more valuable commodity than money in the modern economy. Your quality of life is just as important to your baby's health as what you eat! Now you can learn at your own pace and on your own terms, without the stress or missing a beat at  home or work!
High Quality Educational Resources
There is no substitute for this high quality educational resource that will allow you to connect with our experts in  easy to understand terms. Learn tactics and strategies designed to help you achieve your dreams of having a healthy child and happy family!
You Can’t Afford To Wait Any Longer!
Get FREE ACCESS to all virtual summit presentations during the live online event.
Limited Time Only!
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To All Presentations.
Hurry! Catch This Expert-Level Training Before Time Expires!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Healthy Pregnancy Summit?

The Healthy Pregnancy Summit is a 3-day digital event during which 32+ experts in childbirth, nutrition and wellness share inside secrets, tactics, and strategies on having a healthy baby and successful pregnancy.

Are Travel Accommodations Required To Attend The Virtual Summit?
No! The Healthy Pregnancy Summit is an online virtual event you attend from any location using any device when your schedule permits. Our expert interviews and presentations are available for free on the day they launch for the summit to anyone who has claimed their free pass. Access links are emailed each day of the summit for the presentations going live that day.

The Summit Can’t Really Be Free; What’s The Catch?
Registration for The Healthy Pregnancy Summit is currently free. Once registration has been confirmed access links will be emailed each day of the summit for the training sessions going live on that day. Each training session remains available for 24 hours, after which it is moved to the VIP Access Pass Holder Member’s Area. If you think you might miss any of these vitally important training sessions, you may want to consider securing access to the recordings, professional notes, and irreplaceable bonuses after you register for your free pass above.

What Happens If I Miss One Of The Training Sessions?
Each training session can be accessed by Free Pass holders for up to 24 hours after initial launch. This allows you to maintain your practice and still find time to catch each of these amazing presentations. You may also elect to upgrade your Free Pass to a VIP All-Access Pass which grants you lifetime access to all summits and presentations, not just the one you originally registered for, and all at a low introductory price to help empower you to grow your own practice!

Do You Have A Refund Policy For Your VIP All-Access Pass?
We are so confident you will love The Healthy Pregnancy Summit All-Access Pass and all the amazing value it contains, we offer a full 100% refund of your purchase, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, for up to 90 FULL DAYS! How’s that for a guarantee!?